If you’ve completed voice-over training and have developed your skills as a voice actor, the next step is to find jobs in the industry. Here are some steps you can take to seek jobs for voice-over actors in 2023:

  1. Build Your Portfolio: A portfolio is a collection of your best work as a voice actor, showcasing your range and versatility. Your portfolio should include a demo reel, samples of previous work, and a resume that highlights your training and experience. Make sure your portfolio is easily accessible online, either on your personal website or on a portfolio platform such as Voices.com or Voice123.
  2. Network: Networking is key to finding jobs as a voice actor. Join online communities and forums for voice actors, attend industry events, and connect with other professionals in the field. You can also reach out to casting directors and agents to introduce yourself and inquire about potential job opportunities.
  3. Seek Representation: Many voice actors work with agents or managers who help them find jobs and negotiate contracts. Research reputable voice-over agencies and submit your portfolio for consideration. Be prepared to provide a list of your skills and experience, as well as your availability and willingness to travel for work.
  4. Audition: Many voice-over jobs are won through auditions. Keep an eye out for casting calls on job boards such as Indeed, Monster, or Glassdoor, as well as on industry-specific sites such as Voices.com, Voice123, or Backstage. Submit your demo reel and follow the instructions for the audition carefully. Be prepared to record multiple takes and to show your range and versatility as a voice actor.
  5. Market Yourself: Marketing yourself as a voice actor is an essential part of finding jobs in the industry. Use social media to promote your work and connect with potential clients. Create a website or blog where you can share your experiences and showcase your skills. Consider creating a podcast or YouTube channel where you can demonstrate your abilities as a voice actor.
  6. Create a Relationship with Clients: Building relationships with clients is an important aspect of finding repeat work as a voice actor. Communicate professionally, meet deadlines, and be responsive to feedback. Follow up with clients after a project is complete to express your gratitude and inquire about future opportunities.
  7. Diversify Your Skills: Voice actors who have a broad range of skills and abilities are more likely to find work. Consider taking classes or workshops to develop skills in areas such as singing, accents, or sound editing. Be open to different types of projects, including commercials, video games, animation, and audiobooks.
  8. Be Patient: Finding jobs as a voice actor can take time and patience. Keep practicing and developing your skills, and don’t be discouraged by rejection. Stay focused on your goals and continue to seek out opportunities to grow as a voice actor.

In conclusion, seeking jobs for voice-over actors in 2023 requires building your portfolio, networking, seeking representation, auditioning, marketing yourself, creating relationships with clients, diversifying your skills, and being patient. The voice-over industry is competitive, but with dedication, hard work, and perseverance, you can find success as a voice actor.