Using a drunk voice in voiceover work can be a challenging task, as it requires a delicate balance of sounding realistically inebriated while still being understandable to the listener. Here are some tips on how to create a convincing drunk voice over effect in 2023:

  1. Focus on the speech patterns: A drunk person’s speech is often slurred and slower than normal, with a tendency to repeat themselves or lose their train of thought. To achieve this effect, try speaking with a slightly slower pace than usual and focus on exaggerating the slurring of certain words.
  2. Add vocal fry: Vocal fry is the low, creaky sound that occurs when a person’s vocal cords vibrate irregularly. When speaking drunk, people often use vocal fry to convey a sense of sluggishness. To achieve this effect, try dropping the pitch of your voice and using a lower, raspier tone.
  3. Use breathiness: Drunk people often have trouble controlling their breath, resulting in a breathy, whispery sound. To achieve this effect, try speaking in a slightly hushed tone and exaggerating the sound of your breath as you talk.
  4. Incorporate stumbling and slurring: When drunk, people often stumble over their words or slur them together. To achieve this effect, intentionally stumble over certain words and phrases or mumble them together.
  5. Practice, practice, practice: As with any voiceover effect, the key to success is practice. Listen to recordings of drunk people speaking, and practice replicating their speech patterns and mannerisms until you can create a convincing drunk voice.

Remember, the goal of using a drunk voice in voiceover work is to convey a sense of inebriation without sacrificing clarity or understandability. By following these tips and practicing consistently, you can achieve a realistic and effective drunk voiceover effect in 2023.

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